Sunday, October 19, 2014

Assignment 6: Early World Cinema

a)       Dreyer chose the final days of Joan of Arc because he wanted to show the Christ parallels of the character. They were both people who said blasphemous things and were summarily executed for it. I think he also wanted to show the trial like the judges were perceiving it as well. They didn't see the battles or anything and were just there for the trial. Also, there is no real recorded history of how she was in battles. She's become a somewhat mythic figure. The trial was actually recorded and it is known what actually happened.

b)      Her acting was really fascinating and one of the greatest performances I have ever seen. Her acting seemed really different from the acting of that time because it seemed that she was really naturalistic and authentic. Actors during that time would act as if they were in a stage play and pretty much act for the camera. Falconetti's performance seemed like she was naturally reacting to what was happening and to the characters which is what acting has become today.

a) The subjective camera has "to capture and reflect to the audience the emotional turmoil and suffering of" the character. One shot that is influenced by that technique is in Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver when Travis Bickle stares at a bubbling cup of water to reflect his character's psyche that is slowly bubbling up to foreshadow his burst of violence later in the film. In Metropolis, you see the subjective camera on display when Maria is being pursued by the scientist with the flashlight and you experience it through her eyes.

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